Thursday, February 16, 2017

Newspaper Article

Irishman sets himself mammoth task of walking around the world to raise awareness of cancer

Tony Mangan will have walked a staggering 12,000 kilometres by February 27

·        64SHARES
·        18:13, 10 FEB 2017
Description: man Tony Mangan pictured as he walks around the world
·        64SHARES
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An Irishman has set himself the mammoth task of walking around the world to raise awareness of cancer.
Tony Mangan - Ireland’s very own Forrest Gump - will have walked a staggering 12,000 kilometres by February 27, a year since he set off on his epic adventure.
He’s looking to complete 45-50,000 kilometres by the time he finishes his trip of the world, which started in Dublin and currently has him in China.
The former construction worker from the Liberties in Dublin aid there is a minimum requirement needed in order to complete the trek.
The 59-year-old revealed: “The minimum distance required for a world circumnavigation is just over 26,000 kilometres and four continents. Sometimes dreams are more important than records.”
The route Dublin man Tony Mangan pictured as he walks around the world
But it’s not the first time Tony has walked the circumference of the earth.
In 2014 he ran 50,000km across the world. But he wanted to send a message this time around.
He added: “Previously I spent four years running a 50,000 kilometre lap around the world. I ran it mostly with a backpack. That was my life’s dream.
“During the planning for that expedition, I wondered how it could be done. I was also considering a ‘Plan B’ to walk around the world as it just seemed logistically easier. Eventually, I managed to pull off the run. Still restless, I revisited my old Plan B and said ‘why not?’
“The reason I travel on foot is that I feel at one with the people and gradually see a country slowly unraveling. Because I am travelling at a slow pace, I meet many people every day.
“Often I get invited into homes for refreshments or even a bed for the night.”
And Tony said that part of the reason for his trip is to help raise awareness of cancer.
He added: “During my world run, my mother was diagnosed with bladder cancer. It was a shock as she had always lived healthily.
“She wouldn’t let me stop as my dream had become hers too. We were told by her doctors that her cancer was discovered too late.
“Had it been discovered earlier perhaps she would be alive today. Mam lived another five months after she crossed the finish line of my world run. It just seemed appropriate that I should walk with a message: ‘Life is precious. Early cancer screening saves lives.’”
And Tony said that he is flying through pairs of runners on the expedition.
Dublin man Tony Mangan pictured as he walks around the world
He continued: “I am on my 9th pair of running shoes in almost 12,000 kilometres. On my world run, I wore out 50.
“I have worn them all and love Skechers which I am currently walking with in China.”
And he said that to date there is one day in particular which stands out more than others.
He added: “I was walking in a storm in the Mongolian Gobi desert. The tailwind was so strong I was being blown along the road at about eight kilometres an hour.
“I took out my camera and shot a video. Just then I came to a nomadic settlement. There were camels, cows and sheep grazing.
“I went over to one of their yurts and was invited inside by a man who amazingly spoke good English. Their large round tent had a hot stove taking centre place and it was furnished just like a house for it even had beds, a wardrobe, solar power, a television and satellite dish.
“I sat there drinking tea and talking to the family for half an hour. The storm blew me to a record distance of 72 kilometres.”
And when asked if he ever once thought about giving up and heading home when the going got tough, Tony said: “No, because there is a lot of dream time gone into this walk. If I didn’t finish it, it would haunt me for the rest of my life as ‘unfinished business’.”
But he’s not sure when he’ll be finished the trip.
He added: “I am trying to live in the moment and not answer any ‘when’ questions. It seems that the world’s two favourite questions are, ‘what time will you?’ and ‘when will you?’ Perhaps three or four years.
“There are days when I am so happy on the road that I feel I could walk forever.
“It will depend on my funds. People can sponsor a day or a hotel night on the road on my website
And he said that despite carrying out the trip on his own, he doesn’t really get lonely.
He revealed: “I rarely feel alone as there are always people staring at me. However, in non-English speaking countries there is only so much baby talk communication I can do.
“I sometimes yearn for live music, a relationship or even a proper conversation. As best as I can, I keep my sanity by listening to podcasts or the BBC World Service.”
He said that he has met some truly incredible people on his journey so far.
Tony concluded: “I know it’s a cliche but the more I travel, the more I realise that the world is full of good people, with just a few bad apples.
“In all of my travels I have only met a couple of unsavoury people. Every town in the world is full of people who want the very best for their children and their families.
“It doesn’t matter what language they speak, their religion or country they are from. People are the same all over the world.”
The paper version…
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