Saturday, September 17, 2016

Please feel free to help fund my cancer awareness world walk by donating to my Go Fund Me account or pressing the PayPal link on this page!

On Saturday, February 27th, 2016 I began a walk around the world with a cancer awareness message " Life is precious, early cancer screening saves lives."
As I start this Go Fund Me campaign I am more than half-way across Russia and on my way to Mongolia, China, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the USA and finally back to Southern Europe from where I will continue my walk home to Ireland. I have already walked 7,300 kilometres, over 4,500 miles.
  Walking provides me with a greater opportunity to speak to people as I journey across their lands. My trip is expected to take a little more than 3 years, depending on conditions and my route.
Your donations will in part allow me to buy equipment, food and shoes etc. as I go, with an occasional hotel room with a shower ( and hopefully hot water ) and laundry, before continuing on the next day! Along the way, I'll be stopping and speaking to schools and communities as I go, and as I'm welcomed!
Please follow me on

Thank you in advance for your donations to fund my walk to personally speak to people in rural remote areas of the world about cancer awareness. If it saves one life it will have been worth the effort .

Remember no donation is too small, and every donation gets me through another day!

Thank You and Have a Great Day!
Tony Mangan.
Help spread the word!

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