Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Plan for Sydney

This is pasted from my Facebook account. Sorry I can't upload photos here. As mentioned before this is due to my incompatible phone camera. I have a new phone waiting for me in Sydney!

Am in good shape for my arrival in Sydney this weekend! Tonight I am going to camp beside Lake Illawarra
I am about 103kms from Strathfield, Sydney.
I will arrive there on Saturday afternoon and stay the night at Irishman, Tim Flemings house. If anyone wants to walk with me on Sunday we can meet at Dominos Pizzas in Strathfield at 10am. My route to Bondi beach is about 21kms. So, let's say as we may stop for photos and a short snack, we arrive there at 3pm. That will be my third continent of the four needed to officially complete a world circumnavigation.
Sunday route How is this:
My route from Domino Pizza in Strathfield to route A 22 to    Frederick st. to route A4  to Anzac bridge to Sydney Town hall to Oxford st. to Bondi
Please remember my message: Life is precious. Early cancer screening saves lives.

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