Wednesday, June 13, 2018

My world walk blog - Australia 77 - Thanks to the Renner Springs Desert Inn

Many thanks to Allan at the Renner Springs Desert Inn!

From Banka Banka campsite it was a two-day, sixty km hop along the highway to Renner Springs Desert Inn roadhouse.
On the road I met Michel, a French cyclist who I met a few weeks ago. He is cycling in the area for a couple of months before returning home. When I met him first time before Mount Isa he was struggling with punctures and for some reason doesn't want to take my advice and stick some of that fantastic compound called Slime into his inner tubes. It's glorious, Hallelliuah 😂 As too are fly nets and I had also given him my spare and probably will be remembered for saving his life from being devoured by the pesky bushflies, lol! 
A Dutch couple who have been living here almost all of their lives had stopped to offer me a Coke when Michel (dont call me Platini!) rode up. I used the opportunity to ask the Dutch people to drop some water for me further up the road and that worked great!
Earlier Tom Maxwell, the bush musician that I mentioned in my previous post stopped and supplied me with more Cokes! He was on his way to Daly Waters, I'm expecting to have a rip-roaring time there 😂
  As I walk closer and closer towards Darwin the temperature is heating up to around thirty C. The last couple of weeks it had cooled a bit but now I'm also getting closer to the equator, I'm at around latitude 17, and its winter here! There has also been an increase in traffic volume and thankfully the roadhouses are sometimes a bit closer, although a phone signal is not guaranteed. On my eight-day trek to Elliot I didn't have any. 
No phone signal, but lots of memories and so many people to thank including Allan the owner of the Renner Springs Desert Inn for a complimentary room in his tranquille motel which includes a tempting 17 metre swimming pool 
I had great chats with two Irishwomen who work there. Leah, from Belfast was on duty as a bartender that night while Kate from Limerick was off duty. They have both been living in Australia for six years and made friends with a Chilean woman called Javi who also works there.

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