Sunday, October 21, 2018

My world walk blog China part two #28

My world walk blog China part two #28

Based on a Facebook post

I took a rest day in Hopu today. It's not every day that I meet a Chinese person who speaks English and offers to show me around. Thanks to Sun Chuanfeng who prefers to be called Kevin, and that's fine with me!
He is the man who found me the hotel last night so I treated him to breakfast this morning. Then we popped over to a local park where many senior citizens were working on their aerobics routines. It's interesting that in almost three months in south-east Asia that I have only set eyes on about two obese people. To me that speaks volumes for our western diet which is high in meat, processed food and junk food, its pretty much the opposite here.

Hopu, China. 
Then Kevin brought me over to his Chinese friend who is called Dan. He has a ping pong machine above his shoe shop. I thought the machine was a bit slow! Wait and see what happens in the next video. He speeds it up and with a couple of balls coming out at the same time. Is it any wonder the Chinese are so good at this game?!
I had a delicious dinner tonight in Hapu. A man called Ah Wei stopped me on the road yesterday and gave me the invite. Thanks to his wife and mother for cooking up the terrific dinner.
Earlier a man called Kevin helped me find a hotel. He went to enormous trouble and I'm so grateful. Kevin is from this area and studied ecological marine management in Belgium for a couple of years and speaks good English.
Yesterday a truck dropped a load of wood shavings on the road. It was a bit funny watching the cops clean it all up by hand as the mad traffic beeped them off the road 😂
So they were two easy days, a 22 and a 24-kilometre day.
25,412 kilometres for 730 road days. Web:/
Please remember that early cancer screening saves lives.

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