For those who follow my travels, some notes as I prepare to enter China
Chinese government are easily offended. As a guest to the country, I
will be supporting the One China Policy. For those that don't know what
I'm talking about check this link:
summary, it means that China considers Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao to
be renegade breakaway states and it is their intention that one day they
will all be back under Chinese control. I also ask you, dear followers,
to be cautious about commenting on the OCP, to be honest, it's best if
you don't comment on this. I have switched my Facebook settings to
'friends only' in preparation. I will repost an old post tomorrow.
China is pretty determined about this policy and you may not be aware
that Taiwan due to the Chinese veto does not have a seat at the UN and
is not officially listed as a country. Anyone that does diplomatic
business with Taiwan will have its Chinese diplomatic links severed.
There are only a handful of countries that Taipei has relations with.
And do you remember Trump's backtrack when he took a congrats phone call
from the Taiwan leader in Dec 2016? Recently foreign airlines have been
told that if they want to fly to China that the aforementioned renegade
states must be ticketed as and also advertised as Chinese locations.
with a population of 95 million sizes up against China whose population
is roughly 15 times that of their southern neighbour and thirty times
larger. Chinas main area of population is in the eastern part of the
country. Tomorrow I will start walking towards there. Macao and Hong Kong should be reached in less than a month.
the way. The last time I contacted Spot, my tracker device company I
was told that there is no service in China. I have been having a lot of
trouble with it lately and suspect it's days are numbered. I will turn
it on to China and see what happens. Enough said, I have walking to do
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