Milestone: 3000K Mark Today
Please feel free to like and share as we need to keep my cancer awareness message out there.
With luck one day one of these posts may even go viral, and we may even save precious lives.
The 3,000th Kilometre of my world walk will be walked somewhere near or in the city of Vladimir in about an hour and a half.
Yesterday I stopped after 45 kilometres. On the way my front axle snapped. It was not a big deal as I have a few spares. The axle is exactly the same as a standard quick release for a front wheel for a racing bicycle. I don't think they are tough enough for a heavy cart being pushed up and down steps and pavements. Other than that everything is fine. I am feeling very comfortable with these big distances, no doubt it is due to my ultra running background. My days are long as I am helped by the 10pm sunset and the 3am sunrise. The latter is irreverent as readers know I am a notoriously slow started to each day. Besides, I feel more comfortable starting a bit later when the sun is not in my face. I cover up well. The terrible rain that accompanied me for a week before I arrived in Moscow seems to have stayed there.
Thanks to Scott Richards for updating my website Please feel free to visit it from time to time. Thanks to all of you who went out to run and walk yesterday for international running day, a day I decided to hijack to add walkers too with the help of Scott :)
Remember to slap on the sunscreen. Life is precious - Early cancer screening saves lives. I have been asked by the Irish Cancer Society to write a monthly piece for their Facebook page. I am currently working on the first instalment, which will be Dublin to Moscow.
Distance update.
2,969 kilometres after 81 road days as of the end of play Wednesday June 1st.
Currently I am just a little over 1,500 km from my next major destination, Chelyabinsk. As indicated by the red pin marker in the picture. The blue dot is my current location. Thanks to Aigul and Sergey Komelkov for taking delivery of a package I sent on ahead from Holland. Very close to Chelyabinsk is the border between Europe and Asia, so I am a little over a month from Asia. Perhaps I should not say this... If you look a little east of Chelyabinsk you will see Kazakhstan. I am seriously considering leaving Russia to walk a 192 km northern spike in Kazakhstan, and then back to Russia on the Eastern side of the Kazakhstan spike, much easier now than in the past as the former soviet republic is a 'visa on arrival' country. The only thing that puts me off this is the border hassle, I will see; just to keep you in the picture.
Please check back to comments section on this post for my occasional update.

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