Saturday, June 18, 2016

Here is my television interview with the delicious Zilya Garipova on the way into Kazar. I pasted the info below which was posted on their website. Not a great google translate!
Press this link to watch:…/toni-mengen-nameren-obojti-peshkom-ves-…/
Tony Mengen intend to walk around the whole world. He is a marathon runner. Four months ago, the Irishman went to Dublin and got to Kazan. Zilya Garipova traveler asked - what is the ultimate goal and there mission possible.

Zilya Garipova, Rafkat Ziatdinov
He does not care about the time and almost never looks at the clock. It can not say how much it gets to a new place, but knows exactly where he is going. Irishman Tony Mangan - in world tour. And plans for the day, he - not a job or a shop, and a new city or even country. It started in late February in his native Dublin, and behind him today, nearly four thousand kilometers.
Tony Mangan, marathoner
- Months? Years! I think 3 years! I was, I think, 10 percent probably 34 months, it is difficult to say for sure, and I get a kick out of it.
Tony passes through several tens of kilometers per day. It depends on the weather and the number of stops.
He constantly jokes and everyone meets broad smile - even when we caught up with the young man marathon. It turned out, before he contacted him on facebook. On his page on the social network of Tony shares his impressions of the trip.
Tony Mangan, marathoner
- If I do not write anything on Facebook, all my friends think I'm dead!
As a young man, Tony has already committed krugosvetku- cycling. In jest or in earnest he said then was just lazy. Then I run around the world - it is hard to imagine that more than 50 thousand kilometers. Then found a mission, which goes around the world today.
Tony Mangan, marathoner
- When I was in the middle of the road, my mother was diagnosed with cancer. But she would not let me stop my tour around the world. She said: "Tony, you've got to finish, because your dream to run around the world and is now a dream of mine. It was very hard. I was running, and my mom was sick, she died. But in the end, she was with me, crossed the finish line of my marathon. Early diagnosis of cancer screening saves lives. So I ask to see a doctor, be tested. My mother was very healthy, she always had just the right food - fruits, vegetables. I love chocolate! And if it is serious, it was a shock. We are angry, because she was very healthy. So go to the doctor.

With a Tony - only the most necessary. Fit a small luggage in a stroller - there is a tent and a sleeping bag, water, clothing and shoes. Only in the last four months he has changed the 5 pairs of shoes. By the way, pushing the stroller sometimes help friends. In different cities of the world he is met like-minded people. In Ildar Vafina Tony have a mutual friend.
- Now we invite him to his home. There is room, a friendly dinner and will communicate. We make every effort to his impressions of Tatarstan remained in the memory.

In Russia, Tony liked Kaliningrad and the Red Square, but resembles a marathon runner - it is not a tourist, and the photo on the background of interest does not. Ahead of Chelyabinsk. And then - Mongolia, China, Australia, America, Cuba can. He is not sure. Especially Tony does not think about what will happen after the end of the world tour. Although the talks, they say, marathons and trips for him - like children children growing up and they leave, it is very sad. And to dispel the sadness, you need to go back to the road
Тони Менгэн намерен обойти пешком весь свет. Он марафонец. Четыре месяца наз

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Walked all the way from Ireland to visit us in the shticks, and he's almost here!!!