April 11th, 2016
Sunday: 40km. Monday 44 km.
1,133km for 37 road days!
I walked down Karl Marx Stasse, across the River Oder and into Poland, the 4th country of www.myworldwalk.com
Germany has been walked! Danke!
Then I walked past the disused border crossing and into a small town called Kostrzyn. After taking photos at a new countries border the first thing I always do after changing money is get a local SIM card for data, texts and calls. Sometimes that's easy as in Holland the one I selected was 'pop in an go' England I had to call Customer Service and wait six hours. In Germany a nice man and woman who worked in the petrol station where I bought it logged on to the website to activate it for me. Here in Poland a nice lady in the Statoil service station recommended one called Plus, calls, texts and 1gb of data for a little more than a euro, that sure is a bargain and simple to activate, just make a call to check balance activates smile emoticon
So, sim selection can be a bit 'hit and miss,' easy or hassle. Before I used to look for phone shops, now I usually ask in the petrol stations but they don't always know the most convenient ones. 500mb usually gets me comfortably through two weeks. The next thing I do is find out the phonetic of the word for 'Thanks ' Gin-Quia, Aleksandra
for your help, and the coffee, another friend, and now here comes Poland

April 11th, 2016
I made a stop at the Seelower Hohen Soviet Memorial site near the Polish border.

April 9 & 10, 2016
A huge thanks to Benjamin Kniebe, Inge and family for massive help in Berlin! I stayed three nights smile emoticon
After my rest day on Friday I walked 27km yesterday before I took the train back to them. This morning Benjamin dropped me back to my previous finishing location and then walked a little with me and his two dogs. 23km so far today, 46 to Kostrzyn, Poland!

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