Wifi on my phone and in truck stops is appalling, sorry, I hope this is posted! Thursday 44km which included two 5km climbs of 5-8% grade. Both were covered in a little over an hour. There is shoulder all the way and when things get tight I just move over the other side. I did not find these climbs to be difficult I just bent down and leaned forward with my hands lightly against the outside of Karmas handlebars. To grip it normally has a pushing down effect with resistance. Kinda like pushing with a hand break on. So I just out my palms on the bar and "fell forward" It is a bit difficult on my calfs, but strong loose calves were always my strength. I am near the border with Kazakhstan but will take the easier, although 110 km longer route and stay in Russia. There are a lot of Kazakh, some East European an the odd German truck. I have even seen some Chinese and Mongolian in the last week.
I camped behind a truck stop and had a laugh with the staff. I can't post photos now due to the poor wifi. Today between the towns of Zlastout and Miass I walk from Europe to Asia, my distance is perhaps a days walking short of 4,500 kilometres
Another slow progress day, only 19km so far due to a late start and lots of stops! A truck driver stopped to give me a Russian flag as I lost my previous one. Then I got to the top of a mountain pass and stopped for a late lunch/early dinner. I got talking via google translate to a man and when I asked how far to the Asia/Europe monument he said only 100 metres! As you can see the monument is just outside the grounds of the truck stop. The Russian inscription says "Asia " and on the other side "Europe"
As they have good internet here I said I would post this before leaving for Asia, here I come!
My expected traverse time is eight months, perhaps I will finish Asia on the coast near Ho Chi Minn City, Cambodia. After Australia and New Zealand I plan to return to Asia for Japan and possibly South Korea before the USA. Japan has been on my " must see " country list since I read a book about a man who walked across it and had an amazing time, that was thirty years ago! Also many of my fiercest rivals and friends from my ultra running days are Japanese =D
Talk soon, that's Europe done and dusted, now for Asia!
Ps SiffyandTor Torkildson my walking historian experts!
Can you please help me identify above book

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