June 27, 2016
Latest 3,966 km for 103 road days.
There has not been a lot to
report these last couple of days, except it's starting to get hot, very
hot and my tent is like an oven by 8:30, yes it would make sense to
start earlier. On the road it's around 27C, and I am managing well, am
glad I got my haircut!
Friday 44, Saturday 48 and today, Sunday 41km. A lot of nice people stopped to say hi on the road today.
This state, Tatarstan is the 4th richest in all of Russia and has the worst r
oads so far!
Islam is the dominant religion, but you would never know as few women
wear headscarfs and mosques are low key. Christians and Muslims live,
socialise side by side in total harmony. They are proud of the
successful integration of all faiths. Not really sure how the the
presumptive Donald Duck in America would be able to determine who is who
as almost all have non typical Islamic names. It is great to see people
on both sides of the divide form friendships and relationships.
This is my location tonight. I am at km 1,148 east of Moscow. Tomorrow on the four month anniversary I walk my 4,000th km.
Many thanks to Dolores Doyle for her very generous sponsorship of a couple of weeks walking in Russia
I am totally unsponsored, so sponsors for a day, hotel night etc are
always welcome. Please see the PayPal link, you don't need a PayPal
account, just a bank card, thank you!