I have arrived in Holland! Am walking on the bicycle path from Europoort towards Rotterdam!

March 14, 2016
It was a tough day but I made it to Hull Port! Am on board a ferry bound for Europoort, near Rotterdam. I arrive around 8:30 am. A huge thank you to my mate Theo Wels for sponsoring this ferry, and I can tell you this crossing cost him an " arm and a leg" cabin and food included! Theo was also a great help when I was running through Germany, France and Wales as he crewed me for a couple of days on my world run in Germany and paid for the hotels and then met me in Calais and also organised the ferry there! Theo do you have a photo handy to put in a comment please? I would appreciate that very much as it will be a couple if days until I get onto my laptop!
Am excited at my arrival in Holland
And thank the wonderful English people I met all the way from Liverpool to Hull!

March 13, 2016
Cappuccino time beside the graveyard in Airmyn. As always, slow progress! I still have about a marathon to Hull, and the end of my first country on myworldwalk.com

March 11, 2016
What I love about travelling is stopping to talk to people, everybody has an interesting story! I just stopped at a friendly diner called the Dearne Valley diner at a layby on the road from Barnsley to Doncaster , where the staff took great care of me! Thanks to Debbie(left) and Jade King, (right) Jade says that she would love to do something like my walk and jokes about joining me in Russia for "bear watch" while camping there!

March 10, 2016
A tough day crossing the Pennines and walking through the Peak District National Park. The road was narrow and dangerous in many areas due to little pathway or shoulder and some mist.
I arrived in Barnsley having slogged out 40km/ 25 miles.
In the morning I will take the Doncaster road and bypass the town towards Bentley I will walk the rest of the way to Hull via Goole.
March 8, 2016
this morning was porridge made from the leftover water in my thermos,
followed by a cold peppermint tea. As always I need my coffee in the
morning! I was only walking half an hour this morning when I came across
Kiki's hot Thai food van. So I had another breakfast. Kiki is
originally from Thailand but moved to England with her family when she
was young. To her Thailand is
Still home and she goes back every year. She refunded me my breakfast money when she realised what I was doing, "as a Buddhist I am very spiritual and I always want to help others, your walk is about cancer awareness, life is precious, early screening saves lives, my mother died nine years ago from cancer, and there is nothing more I would like than to treat you to breakfast Tony"
On I rambled, my progress is slow! This walking lark is harder than running!
I stopped at a bar just east of Altrincham for a £4 carvery dinner, I wish I could get this every day!

Still home and she goes back every year. She refunded me my breakfast money when she realised what I was doing, "as a Buddhist I am very spiritual and I always want to help others, your walk is about cancer awareness, life is precious, early screening saves lives, my mother died nine years ago from cancer, and there is nothing more I would like than to treat you to breakfast Tony"
On I rambled, my progress is slow! This walking lark is harder than running!
I stopped at a bar just east of Altrincham for a £4 carvery dinner, I wish I could get this every day!

March 7, 2016
My world walk has restarted! Thanks to John Shaw (who I met on the road last week) for dropping me back to the Church View inn
Also thanks to Ann the mother of Dave Chatterton who was minding Karma for a few days. Dave had to offload my cart to his mam when he had to leave town unexpectly. Ann was just back from a department store with a brand new kettle, so the new kettles first boil was for coffee for the three of us! As Ann said, I will have a story now to tell how the first person to ever use my kettle was an Irish man walking around the world! Currently I am stopped for a late beef curry lunch in Bridge Street in Warrington

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